Friday, September 27, 2013

Spanish 1 story (vocab: Chapter 2--LICT)

This is a story for Spanish 1.  The vocabulary is as follows:  she has a house (tiene una casa), she looks for a house for him (le busca una casa), he is wet/dry (está mojado/seco).  I am introducing the past tenses, so I used green for imperfect, blue for preterit, and yellow for present.  I used orange to point out the indirect object pronouns.  As I go through the story, we notice the verbs, but only to think about what's used when. 

Había una chica muy bonita.  La chica también era muy pobre.  No tenía una casa.  La chica quería una casa, pero no tenía dinero. Por eso, ella siempre dormía en la calle.
There was a very pretty girl.  The girl was also very poor.  She didn't have a house.  The girl wanted a house, but she didn't have money.  So she always (used to sleep/was sleeping) in the street.

Un día, un chico caminaba en la calle. Vio a la chica y le dijo --¿Por qué estás durmiendo en la calle?—La chica le dijoDuermo en la calle porque soy pobre.  No tengo una casa.  El chico le dijo –Oh, pobre chica.--  El chico se fue (went away).
One day, a boy was walking in the street.  He saw the girl and said to her, "Why are you sleeping in the street?  The girl told him, "I sleep in the street because I am poor.  I don't have a house.  The boy told her, "Oh, poor girl."  The boy went away.

El chico caminaba en la calle otra vez.  Vio a la chica otra vez.  La chica estaba mojada.  --¿Por qué estás mojada?—le dijo.  –Porque un chico malo me tiró agua.  Ahora estoy mojada.--  --Pobre chica—le dijo el chico.  El chico se fue.
The boy was walking in the street again.  He saw the girl again.  The girl was wet.  Why are you wet?  He said to her.  "Because a bad boy threw water on me.  Now I am wet."  "Poor girl," the boy said to her.  The boy went away.

El chico caminó a la iglesia.  Le dijo al Padre Bob –Padre Bob, hay una chica pobre.  La chica no tiene una casa.  Está mojada.  Por favor, la chica necesita una casa.--
The boy walked to the church.  He told Father Bob, "Father Bob, there is a poor girl.  The girl doesn't have a house.  She is wet.  Please, the girls needs a house."
Padre Bob le dijoHay una casa que se llama Casa María.  Es para las chicas pobres.--  El chico le dijo –Gracias—y fue a buscar una casa para la chica.   Había una casa muy bonita.  El chico estaba contento.
Father Bob said to him, "There is a house called Casa Maria.  It's for poor girls."  The boy told him, "Thanks!" and went to look for a house for the girl.   There was a very pretty house.  The boy was happy.

El chico buscó a la chica.  Estaba en la calle.  Le dijoHay una casa para ti.  Se llama Casa María. – La chica le dijo –Gracias—y buscó la casa.  Ahora la chica vive en Casa María y es muy feliz. Nadie le tira agua, y ella siempre está seca.
The boy looked for the girl.  She was in the street.  He told her, "There is a house for you.  It's called Casa Maria.  The girl told him thanks and looked for the house.  Now the girl lives in Casa Maria and is very happy.  Nobody throws water on her, and she is always dry. 


  1. Excellent story and coincidentally ties in with incorporating non-fiction onto TPRS. I do however have one question, is "le vio a la chica" in the 2nd paragraph grammatically correct?

    1. Nope! should just be vio a la chica. I'll update later today. Thanks! By the way, this happens to be fiction, but it could very easily be nonfiction. Our students are involved in a week of service learning, and one thing that they do is work with the homeless at Casa Maria.


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