Era el último período del último
día antes de las vacaciones de la Navidad. Milly entró en la clase de español con una sonrisa. Pensaba de su día. Era un día mínimo, y ningún profesor les había dado tarea a los estudiantes. No les habían entregado nada a los profesores. También había sido refrescos—donas, chocolate
caliente, dulces—¡un profesor aún les había dado regalitos a los estudiantes!
It was the last period of the last day before Christmas vacation. Milly entered Spanish class with a smile. She was thinking about her day. It was a minimum day, and no teacher had given classwork to the students. They hadn't turned anything in to the teachers. There had also been refreshments--donuts, hot chocolate, sweets--a teacher had even given little gifts to the students!
It was the last period of the last day before Christmas vacation. Milly entered Spanish class with a smile. She was thinking about her day. It was a minimum day, and no teacher had given classwork to the students. They hadn't turned anything in to the teachers. There had also been refreshments--donuts, hot chocolate, sweets--a teacher had even given little gifts to the students!
Pero la clase de español era diferente. Sí, en una mesa
había un cántaro (pitcher) de chocolate y un plato de galletas, pero también había
tarea--¡una prueba con traducciones! Milly no pudo creerlo. Sra. Martínez era una profesora buena--¿Por
qué les daba una prueba? ¿Y 25
oraciones? ¡Era demasiado! Bueno.
Milly tomó el papel y empezó a trabajar.
But Spanish was different. Yes, there was a pitcher of chocolate and a plate of cookies on a table, but there was also work--a test with translations! Milly couldn't believe it! Mrs. Martinez was a good teacher-why was she giving them a test? And 25 sentences? It was too much. Oh well. Milly took the paper and began to work.
But Spanish was different. Yes, there was a pitcher of chocolate and a plate of cookies on a table, but there was also work--a test with translations! Milly couldn't believe it! Mrs. Martinez was a good teacher-why was she giving them a test? And 25 sentences? It was too much. Oh well. Milly took the paper and began to work.
Había 25 oraciones, y cada una
era difícil. Pero mientras trabajaba, se
dio cuenta de que algo extraño estaba pasando.
¡Unos estudiantes ya habían entregado la tarea! Milly sabía que no era
la estudiante mejor en la clase, pero aun así (even so) parecía extraño. Muchos estudiantes le habían entregado la
tarea a Profe Martínez, y ¡ella todavía estaba en número dos!
There were 25 sentences, and every one was difficult. But while she was working, she realized that something strange was happening. Some students had already turned in the work! Milly knew that she wasn't the best student in class, but even so, it seemed strange. Many students had turned in the work to Profe Martinez, and she was still on number two!
There were 25 sentences, and every one was difficult. But while she was working, she realized that something strange was happening. Some students had already turned in the work! Milly knew that she wasn't the best student in class, but even so, it seemed strange. Many students had turned in the work to Profe Martinez, and she was still on number two!
Mientras Milly trabajaba, una
amiga tocó el brazo. –Milly—susurró. –¿Leíste las instrucciones?—
¿Qué? Nunca leyó las instrucciones. ¿Por qué?
Pero Milly las miró por primera vez.
“¡Feliz Navidad, clase! Esta es una prueba, pero no de español. Quiero saber si mis estudiantes lean las
instrucciones. Aquí están. Primero, no necesitan hacer números 1 hasta 24. Segundo, traduce número 25 y entrégalo en la
caja. ¡Ojalá que tengan una Navidad
buena y sana!”
Milly tenía vergüenza. Borró su trabajo y miró al número 25. “Feliz navidad a todos y para todos una buena
noche”. La tradujo bien rápido y se lo
entregó. ¡Qué broma!
While Milly was working, a friend touched her arm. "Milly," she whispered. Did you read the instructions?"
What? She never read the instructions. Why? But Milly looked at them for the first time.
"Merry Christmas, class! This is a test, but not of Spanish. I want to know if my students read the instructions. Here they are. Fist, you don't need to do 1-24. Second, translate number 25 and turn it in to the box. I hope you have a good and safe Christmas!
Milly was embarrassed. She erased her work and looked at number 25. "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night." She translated it really fast and turned it in. What a joke!
While Milly was working, a friend touched her arm. "Milly," she whispered. Did you read the instructions?"
What? She never read the instructions. Why? But Milly looked at them for the first time.
"Merry Christmas, class! This is a test, but not of Spanish. I want to know if my students read the instructions. Here they are. Fist, you don't need to do 1-24. Second, translate number 25 and turn it in to the box. I hope you have a good and safe Christmas!
Milly was embarrassed. She erased her work and looked at number 25. "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night." She translated it really fast and turned it in. What a joke!